Wednesday 25 February 2015

tribute to the legend

well maybe my story ni i should have publish weeks ago tp i just couldn't deal with the fact. the fact that steven gerrard will be leaving the club soon. ok the truth is the reason i minat liverpool mostly becoz of him. i mean i just realize that when dier ckp dier nk move to MLS i lost interest with the club and football. for a while la i thought yg i lost interest tp last2 tu tgk gak liverpool main. lol. at first tu mcm x percaya sgt la yg dier nak move this summer. tp sy nak story ckit la mcm mana sya blh terjatuh hati dgn club ni or more precisely mcm mana sya blh minat dgn steven gerrard. ok growing up sya mmg bnyk d influence by my brothers. i have two big brother which i hang out a lot since sy kcik smpai la skrg ni. so everything yg sya ska skrg ni pun mostly sbab mreka kot (except real madrid coz i don't really like the team) hehe. i mean even music that i listen to nowadays pun sbb influence dri both of them. then d suatu mlm yg indah tu (hehe) i was 11 or 12 at that time(i guesss) then kiteorg tgah tgk match bola la msa tu and kbetulan plak msa tu liverpool tgh main. if i'm not mistaken it was a derby match msa tu. dah x igt dah.. heheh. at first tu x minat sgt la dgn football bcoz i thought it was too manly. haha. tp lpas sya tgh steven gerrard msa tu i fell in love with football.. hehe (cheesy right?i know) msa tu sya pn tnyer la dgn my big brother psal player tu (steven gerrard) and he gave me a very lengthy answers. siap provide biodata tau haha. lpas tu my brother pun start introduce one by one player on the field. after that i was hooked. i become a fan ever since and i never look back.

steven gerrard in his early days.:)

unforgettable memory. liverpool win the UEFA CHAMPION LEAGUE against Ac Milan in Istanbul
one of the greatest come back. 

 sedih la jgak tgok spnjg carrier steven gerrard as a captain dier x pnah mng epl. nak jgak tgk dier pgag cup tu. for me he's one of the best captain and midfielder yg ever played for liverpool. so bla dier announced dier nak pndah major league soccer (liga america la i call for those yg x tahu  , hehhe) i was in denial. i even go as far as deleting all my social network and i prevent my self from watching any sports news just so that sy x dgar about his move. shock huh?

this is i would like to call a deadly pair. Luis Suarez and the captain Steven Gerrard
tp eventually sya blh la deal with the term. sy x nak la ckp yg sy ni a die hard fan sbab kalau ask about liverpool history pun sy just know a little jerr. hehe. tp i would say that i am a die hard steven gerrard fan. haha. tp anyway good luck for his move. hope to see him back to liverpool one day. you'll never walk alone stevie g.

no 8 you are irreplaceable.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Trip to Singapore.

So last week my sister and I went to Singapore for our short getaway la. It took about a month la I guess to prepare for our journey.. especially my sister la sbb she’s the one who suggest nak pergi Singapore. So dia buat la research about Singapore, tmpat dia rasa we should visit , so dia mmg meticulous la about our whole plan there. At first mcm bising jugak la sbb she keeps membebel about preparing my own itinerary di Singapore. Haha. But in the end bebaloi la jugak sbb menjimatkan masa and kitaorg tak la lost sgt kat sne. We know where we want to go so it really helps smoothen our journey. Anyway when my sister ask me utk prepare my itinerary the only thing that I could think about was to get my hands on the fridge magnet. Lol. Idk why tp I’m a collector. Almost everywhere I go I will buy la one or two fridge magnet. ska la tgk fridge d decorate with magnets.cantik sangat.

Since we come from limbang which somewhere in Sarawak (you can google it) so we took a flight from miri to Singapore. So our journey took about 3 hours from limbang to miri and we spent a night there before took the plane the next day.  Our flight from miri to Singapore took about 2 hours roughly.

 Our driver for the with my brother and sister at miri on our way to Miri International Airport

 During the flight. Lol. Ada la tkut jgak naik plane kn. Huhu. Sbb
 lately bnyk dga lam tv and news about kapal terbang terhempas but alhamdulillah la flight tu smooth jerrr. Hehe. :P

So after 2 hours and 10 minutes kta org pun landed safely kat changi international airport. You better be ready for us singapore.. chewahh.
Singapore as seen inside the flight. Hehe.
Smooth landing. Best sgt pilot air asia at that time.thank you sir for flying us safely (I can’t remember his name). :::J)))<3

Nak cop passport..:)

So when we prepare our ittinerary we decided to do the hard work first la which is shopping because I don’t really like shopping that much. So when my sister buat research she came across this one instagram yg said that if you want to buy cheap souvenir pergi la bugis street sbab dkat situ mmg shopping heaven. So that’s exactly what we did after we checked in at our hotel. My sister booked our hotel at hotel 81 bencoolen. Yg interesting about this hotel is that this hotel mmg close to everywhere yg kita org nak plan to go.  Terima kasih jgak la dkat abg taufiq yg krja kat hotel tu sbab dia provide us with the city map and dgn kindheartedly dia tnjuk la how to get to bugis street siap conteng dkt map lagi tau. Hehe. So after resting about 30 minutes dkat hotel kita org pergi la bugis street and x sgka la yg bugis street tu dkat jer with our hotel. It took about 10 to 15 minutes walk la from our hotel. Kita org spend about 1 hour or so la dkat sna beli apa yg patut.

me trying to decide nak pergi which way. haha. :)

Tadaaa souvenir kita org borong dkat bugis street :)
I got my fridge magnets. Hehe :P
After dah penat shopping kiteorg pun return hotel and berehat for about 1 hour la (kiteorg mmg kalau travel mmg bnyk berehat but since this is the first travel without family kiteorg pergi bedua jer so kiteorg rasa penat sgt sbb had to use lots of energy hehehe). We move to our next activity in our ittenirary which is sight seeing (marina bay, helix bridge, merlion and gardens by the bay) probably this is the second best part about this trip la. Hehe.

Night vieww of singapore :)

Marina bay sands and singapore city.

Gardens by the bay

We decided to wait for the sun to set before we went to gardens by the bay because the night view here is spectecular. :)

And that is the end of our first day trip to singapre. There are actually tones of pictures that I woud like to share but instead I’m just going to settle for these pictures. But any way second day trip to USS is coming soon.

Monday 7 April 2014

bla bla bla...

dah nak habis dah my diploma years. felt like just yesterday masuk uitm ni. rasa lucu la jgak tgk gmbar time first2 msuk cnie. time tu bdan slim lgi skrg nie i gain like 10 kilo from the firts time msuk cni. hahah. tak la nak slah kan org just nak share je la yang bljar nie mmg memenatkan n cpat je lapar. especially time final exam mcm nie. mmg ape la. tpi that's what makes all the journey worth it. i wouldn't say la all the memories are sweet but i took all the sweetness with me and tggalkn la ape yg saya rasa tak ptut nak d bawa. kalau tak pun kita jd kan bnda tu sbgai pgjrn. dal letih la saya nak complaint everything that happened in my life. nak complaint pun bkn dpt nak settlekan problem. dri sya luah kan dlm blog it's better for me to just settle it once and for all. tp tu lah maybe dlu sbb tak mtang sgt kot smue bnd nak upload dlm media sosial skrg nie dah bsar 'ckit' tak nak dah post bnd2 mcm tu lam sosial network. looks lame je kan. heheh. tp tak la jga nak ktuk org yg ska post2 bnda mcm2 dlm sosial network tu bnda tak bgus. tu mslah dorg la sya tak nak msuk cmpur just that they have the guts la nak post bhnda mcm2 tu and let the whole world know la about their problem. haha.. yg pling penting my journey for diploma years is almots come to an end. i just have to get through another semester and i will be officially a diploma student. for my readers wish me all the best and hope to see you guys soon.

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.. <3

Thursday 3 October 2013

we can finish top three this season peeps.. lets go red.. don't give up. keep climbing and remember you'll never walk alone. huh this season we start off well.. the team formation is good. we have bunch of great player this season. and don't forget the legend has return to the field luiz suarez. we won over man utd the other day that's what important.. lol.

Friday 9 August 2013

funny, i just read about jessica alba. she's been in sarawak before, filming her movie The Sleeping Dictionary alongside Hugh Dancy. haha. what a shock. it's been 10 years since that film and i just knew about it. lucu sangat la. hehe. and then i came across a few movies that was filmed in sarawak. hhaha. i'm proud to be sarawakian. in that movie she plays as iban girl and taught Hugh about iban language and their culture. it's just weird to listen to her speak iban. ahha. eventhough i have a lot of ibanese friends but still i can't master that language. hhee.. haven't watched the movie though. i just saw the trailer. hhehe.. i  loveeeeee sarawak. jom la datang sarawak.. ynwa. selanat hari raya..

jessica alba in iban custome

Tuesday 6 August 2013

esok dah nak raya dah. huh, mmg ramadhan thun nie x rse sgt la. time fly so fast. cuti pun dah nak hbs. x best la rya kalau cuti pun ade limit. haha. well that's what being a student mean. right? more time on campus less time with your family. kadang2 tu stress la jugak tp sometime best. dpt hangout dgn kwn. of course la i miss my family sometime, tu la yang buat stress bagai tu. haha. life is nothing without a little sacrifice kan? well i missed a few family gatherings, weddings etc. and that really sucks. hehe. knowing that i could not be there for the big events is a little disappointing. tp best la rye thun nie we can celebrate smue. my sister pun dah plan nak blik kmpung thun nie. so smue berkumpul lg la thun nie. hhehe. but i don't know somehow dah bsar nie, nak raye sakan pun dah x de feel dah. hhehe.. kalau time kecik2 dulu, bkn main nak beraye and feeling raye tu pun different back. haha. hard to explain how i feel. anyways i want to say selamat hari raya to my readers and maaf zahir dan batin. hehe. ynwa.

Saturday 20 July 2013


tak sangka dah empat sem dah aku kat uitm nie. tak sngka la. dulu first2 masuk uitm mmg rasa nak blik je. well it's my first time to really being away from my family. first tak expect ape2 la. actually tak tahu nak expect ape sbnrnye. haha. tp my first day went well. i had a couple of good friends, study pun ok2 jer, tak susah sgt la. unlike highschool aku lbh prefer kat university la. well tp tak smua la kngn dlm uitm nie best2. ade la jgak yg tak berapa nak best sgt. as i getting older nie slalu la jgak encounter dgn org yg tak berapa nak mature. haha. not that i'm saying i am that matured but sometime we act la like our age kan. tp tu la certain people tak sdar pun umur dah smkin tua tp still act like a child. ni bkn la nak mengutuk org la. ni tguran utk smua dan untk aku la jgak. haha. ni kali ke 3 aku berpuasa without family. rindula dgn suasana kat rumah time nak bebuka. rindu dgn mskan mak. hehe. raya pun dah dkat. tak tau la nak ckp ape lg. later la aku update cte lain. any way. bye. ynwa.